Access control is often thought of as just an unavoidable cost to prohibit unauthorised access to business premises, while allowing employees and other authorised persons access to the right areas.
However, with Secured by Caverion, we provide added value from security. That means we help you gain value from access control and other systems with integrated technology that provides energy savings and cost-effective building operations.
An access control system can also be integrated seamlessly with an intelligent locking system. However, integrating access control systems to other automated building systems, such as Audio Visual systems, Caverion BMS, lighting, air-conditioning and elevator control systems, enables you to take advantage of the wide range of possibilities of this technology. For instance, smart automatic control reduces energy consumption by shutting down unnecessary equipment while the premises are empty.
Modern security systems can also use automated personnel management to enhance transparency and improve building protection. The access control system increases your company's security level by ensuring that only the right people have access to the right premises.
Real-time knowledge of who has arrived at or left the building is important not only in crisis situations. Together with a customised sound system, your access control systems can also act as an evacuation system and as a system that increases comfort. In combination with door and gate intercom systems your access solution is able to identify and allow the correct access level to employees and guests alike.
Whether a standard system fits or a stand-alone solution is required, we will accompany you all the way to your optimal solution in a three-step process:
With expertise in all building technologies, we provide you the most beneficial technology solution that enhances security and provides added value. With our mobile reader and door access solutions, real-time access control can be taken to places where it was not previously possible or cost-efficient.
Let us optimise your access together and you will be surprised by what is possible.
Caverion enters into a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Telenor Towers Norway
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