Cooling solutions can generally be divided into comfort cooling and process cooling for buildings, industries and special premises, such as data centres. Both comfort and process cooling benefit from integration to other building technology.
Integrate cooling solutions to your other technical processes and you can reduce costs in both device investment as well as operations. For example, by integrating cooling systems with a building automation system, you can ensure that your building will not be heated and cooled simultaneously.
A cooling system requires regular maintenance to operate efficiently. We cover the entire lifecycle of comfort and process cooling systems, from planning, installation and maintenance to recycling. This allows you to focus on your customers and core business instead of worrying about your cooling systems.
Besides annual maintenance, we can help you with:
We are a device-independent maintenance partner and will make sure your business-critical systems keep working efficiently and safely.
Contact us and we will find a suitable energy efficient solution for your needs.
The world is increasingly dependent on smooth global networks and connections, which requires reliable data centres. The electricity in data centres generates heat, which may cause interruptions in services, if the cooling system is insufficient. An efficient cooling system minimizes the energy consumption in the data centre and ensures that an excessive heat load will not interrupt your service.
Modern data and IT centres and their server rooms are primarily cooled with water-cooled cables or by utilising hot/cold aisles between the server rack rows. Free cooling, in which cool outdoor air is utilised to cool the water, is also a suitable and an ecological solution. The excess heat generated by cooling can be used elsewhere in the building to mimize the external heating spends.
Partnership for the entire lifecycle
Contact us and we will find the most suitable, energy-efficient solution for your needs.
A guide to smart refrigeration and heating
In the guide you will get information about refrigerants and sustainable CO2 refrigeration, energy management and resource efficiency and smart refrigeration and automation technology. You will also get insights of how to modernize your refrigeration and heating systems.
Caverion enters into a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Telenor Towers Norway
Read more...How do we ensure that data centres' environmental impact and electricity consumption are minimised and waste heat is recovered?