The predictive maintenance solution powered by Advanced machine learning

Combining our deep industrial O&M expertise and years of machine learning algorithm development we…

Combining our deep industrial O&M expertise and years of machine learning algorithm development we provide predictive monitoring, advanced analytics and secure data connectivity for industrial environments.


Predictive maintenance with artificial intelligence and IoT

Data is the foundation for predictive maintenance. Combining artificial intelligence and machine learning with high-quality data is the key for unlocking new insights in industrial production.

Our approach combines utilizing existing process data with unsupervised and supervised machine learning and addressing specific problems with IoT sensors and complementary data analytics.

What we deliver can include smart soundscape analysis with microphones, to detect the earliest signs of abnormal equipment behavior based on the audible sounds, or with visual recognition of patterns from video or still images.

Smart sensors measure actual condition 24/7

Smart IoT sensors gather live data for measuring the true condition of the equipment to safeguard production.

Smart IoT analytics are customized according to the process and equipment type. It supports various measurement needs, such as air particle measurements, vibrations, trace heating, electric motor and oil analyses.

When you acquire the service, you will receive:

  • Smart sensors installed
  • Intelligent IoT edge device & data connectivity
  • Analytics service
  • Caverion expert support.

Caverion Intelligence combines machine learning with existing process data

Caverion Intelligence is a full-coverage predictive monitoring service for industrial processes. It provides early indication of all types of process issues from equipment failures to operator errors. Intelligence uses existing process data from DCS / Automation systems and creates a digital representation of how the process works in optimal conditions and normal operating modes. Artificial intelligence detects any deviations and anomalies in the process producing automatic alerts for O&M teams.

With Caverion Intelligence our clients have been able to reduce unplanned downtime and production disturbances by up to 40%.

How do you benefit from Caverion Intelligence?

  • Reduced unplanned downtime
  • Extended asset life
  • Improved operator performance and training
  • Prevention against safety hazards
  • Energy efficiency and more sustainable production

Key features

  • Secure cloud delivery with web-based UI or on-premises installation
  • Weekly support meetings with Caverion experts
  • Continuous learning and adaptation to changes
  • Deployment in weeks means low risk and fast ROI

Caverion Intelligence was formerly known as MP INtelligence.

Want to know more about IoTFlex and Caverion Intelligence

IoTFlex sensors and Caverion Intelligence analytics have been developed based on our long expertise in industrial processes. Managing the daily operation and maintenance of plants and factories on behalf of our customers, we have learned what works in real life. Contact us to see together how digital solutions could make your production more efficient.

Ask more about our digital solutions for predictive maintenance

Contact us and let’s discuss in detail how to improve your plant and process performance.

Contact us

Harri Paukkeri
Harri Paukkeri

Head of Unit | Caverion Intelligence

Mika Marttila

Product Manager | IoTFlex


Do you want to know more?

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