A point cloud produced by laser scanning guides the organisation in planning maintenance and investment. A point cloud is a digital version of the target environment that corresponds to the real-world environment. An identical digital twin will help you design better, more reliable solutions that take into consideration the entire lifecycle of the plant. When designers do not have to visit the site, unnecessary traffic in the production facilities is avoided.
Accurate mapping of the target environment has many benefits. It helps our designers create better, more efficient and more reliable solutions. An accurate point cloud also helps maximise the use of prefabricated components and enables the more precise planning of installation work. When utilised as part of an efficient design process, laser scanning saves money and ensures the success of the project.
With laser scanning, we produce point cloud material that is presented with true colour values as a three-dimensional digital version that corresponds to reality. Point cloud data can be utilised when planning maintenance and investment.
Presenting plans as a point cloud also helps to achieve a common understanding both among stakeholders and factory staff and make it easier to voice different opinions.
Our comprehensive industrial design expertise ensures that the mapping is carried out in a way that serves the unique needs of your organisation. The high-quality material we produce can be utilised in many ways, so you get the most out of it.
In addition to being used for design purposes, our highly refined laser scanning process enables the utilisation of the point cloud data in various other uses throughout the life cycle of the site. Point cloud data can be processed into textured surface models, which further increases its potential uses.
When a laser scan of the environment is integrated into industrial investment and maintenance planning processes, it ensures that the big picture is also taken into account when making plans. Contact us and we will show you how point cloud mapping ensures the quality, installation reliability and cost-effectiveness of our design solutions.
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